
Learn How to Safe Is Your Bounce House

Learn How to Safe Is Your Bounce House

With the development of inflatable industry technology and materials, various inflatable products are becoming cheaper and cheaper. Even for commercial-grade inflatables, most families can afford one best outdoor bounce house for their children. Parents set up a bouncy castle in the backyard. Therefore, it is widespread. When setting up an inflatable bouncer, one of the biggest concerns should be to ensure that this giant, inflatable structure is completely secured to the ground so it won’t be blown away.


The best way to secure a bounce house is to use long metal stakes and hammer them into the grass. However, stakes with your bounce house aren’t always the best option. Take a few more minutes to learn more about different types of bounce house options and accessories.


1. Reliable bounce house tie-down option.


Although there seem to be many options in the backyard to tie up your jump house, the most reliable option is substantial steel stakes of at least 30-40 inches. If all the steel stakes are pounded into the firm, solid ground at every anchor point on your bounce house at a 45-degree angle, there should be no problems. Check the location of underground pipelines, such as local gas, power, or cable lines, before anchoring your bouncy house to avoid an accident.


2. Best anchoring your bounce house on cement or asphalt


Sometimes when you need to set up your jump house on cement or asphalt, the stakes pounded into the ground are not possible, so the best tie-down option is the appropriate weight sandbags. First, check your bounce house manual to find out the exact weight at each tie-down point so you can choose the right size and filler for the sandbags. Most inflatable bouncers require a standard weight of 75 pounds at each anchor point, which means you can use more than one sandbag at each anchor. Water bags are the same as gallon buckets.


Make sure to tie your sandbags securely to the D-rings, and it’s highly recommended to put a tarp under your bounce house, regardless of whether it’s on grass or cement and asphalt.


3. Are stakes and sandbags an option?


So far, the two most recommended options are metal stakes and sandbags, the water as mentioned above, bags, and gallon buckets allowed. Also, weights from your workout system or furniture can be used. Never use concrete or cement blocks or rough landscape rocks as they can quickly wear your inflatable material. Some people may choose to tie the ropes to large trees or other secure backyard foundations, and these options are OK for additional security. But a truck or vehicle is not recommended because it can be hazardous if someone accidentally drives off and takes the inflatable with the kids inside.

Published by Henry David Thoreau